

The in date oath describes, known as the Official Oath of Office, is a solemn promise made by an individual, in this case, Nicholas Junior Stephenson Imperator, to faithfully execute the duties of an office—in this context, the office of “Imperator”—with loyalty to His Majesty King Charles Rex. This oath is sworn before a legally authorized person, a Solicitor/Commissioner for Oaths, which signifies the oath-taker’s legal and moral obligation to adhere to the commitments made during the oath.

The mention of swearing by “Almighty God” indicates that this oath is taken in a religious context, implying that the oath-taker is invoking a divine witness to their promise. This aspect underscores the seriousness with which the oath is to be taken, reflecting both a moral and legal commitment. The phrase “So Help me God” at the end of the oath further emphasizes the oath-taker’s request for divine assistance in fulfilling the obligations of the office.

The reference to serving “His Majesty King Charles Rex according to Law” specifies that the duties are to be performed within the framework of the law. This clause underscores the importance of adherence to legal norms and regulations in the execution of the office’s responsibilities. It implies that the office is not only a position of authority but also one of legal and ethical boundaries that must be respected.

The oath is made pursuant to specific legal statutes: section 2 of the Promissory Oaths Act 1868 and section 1 of the Oaths Act 1978. These references indicate that the oath is not merely ceremonial but is grounded in specific legal provisions. The Promissory Oaths Act 1868 and the Oaths Act 1978 are UK laws that set out the requirements for oaths taken by public officials, ensuring that such oaths have a solid legal basis and are recognized under the law.

The inclusion of detailed personal information (name, address, date of birth, and place of birth) and the precise location and date where the oath is taken (84 East Barnet Road, New Barnet, Herts, EN4 8RQ on the 6th Day of June 2023) provides a formal record that establishes the identity of the oath-taker and the specific circumstances under which the oath was sworn. This level of detail is crucial for the legal validity of the oath, serving as a permanent record that can be referred to if necessary.

The role of the Solicitor/Commissioner for Oaths, P.W. Moody, LL.M.(LOND), is to witness the swearing of the oath, ensuring that it is taken voluntarily and with full understanding of its implications. The inclusion of the commissioner’s contact details and official capacity adds a layer of legal authenticity and accountability, signifying that the process has been conducted in accordance with legal requirements.

Lastly, the acknowledgment of the serious consequences for betraying the sworn oath, potentially being considered treason or a high crime, highlights the gravity of the commitment being made. This serves as a stark reminder of the legal and moral weight that oaths carry, especially those related to offices of public trust and authority. It implies that the breach of such an oath is not merely a personal failure but a violation of one’s duty to the state and its legal system, carrying potentially severe penalties.